Kai Heinemann and Tobias Kirschke expand the management of BLOCK
Successful growth leads to more responsibility. As a leading manufacturer of transformers, power supplies, electronic circuit breakers, reactors and EMI filters, BLOCK Transformatoren-Elektronik GmbH strengthens the company management with Kai Heinemann as General Manager Development and Product Management and Tobias Kirschke as General Manager Human Resources.
Kai Heinemann, who has been a part of BLOCK for 12 years, is a graduate engineer originating from the electronics development. He soon took over as head of the electronics development and since 2014, he has also been responsible as product manager for this department. As of June 2018, the entire product management and development department are his responsibility as General Manager. Heinemann stands for open communication and active exchange at strategic company interfaces. For BLOCK, he therefore provides an important policy for increasing agility in the market.
Tobias Kirschke joined the company in October 2008 and started his career with a dual-mode study program in industrial engineering. Already during his studies, he was appointed Assistant to the General Manager for Production & Logistics and subsequently took over as Head of Logistics & Supply Chain Management. After completing his MBA at the TU Chemnitz, in 2017 he set a new milestone with starting his Master's degree in Business Law at the Nordakademie Graduate School and took over the human resources management, which he has been responsible for as General Manager since June 2018: "I would like to drive forward HR management as an important strategic role for BLOCK in order to position the company as an attractive employer for the future ", says Kirschke.