May 18, 2020

Close to his heart – founding of “Förderkreis Aller-Weser-Klinik Verden e.V.”

BLOCK CEO Wolfgang Reichelt is the President of the newly founded “Förderkreis Aller-Weser-Klinik Verden e. V.” and serves on the board together with his deputy Ingo Neumann (on the right in the picture) and treasurer Gunda Hoppe.

The ongoing development of Verden’s hospital is a matter close to Wolfgang Reichelt’s heart, and the Förderkreis sponsor group promotes large and small projects for public health at Verden’s hospital.

“Last year, the idea came up of securing financial support for new projects at Verden’s hospital," explains Ralf Weßel, the Clinical Director of the Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, and Intensive Internal Medicine at Verden’s hospital. He is referring specifically to elements of concepts that are not covered by public funds provided at state, district, or city level.

Wolfgang Reichelt was immediately taken with Weßel's idea. "The state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization laboratory at the Aller-Weser-Klinik hospital in Verden is a big plus for the whole region.  The new ward building will prove to be a real asset too. This is where we were supposed to come in and promote further projects,” says Reichelt.

Weßel’s job, together with the management at Aller-Weser-Klinik, is to pull together projects at the hospital and develop concepts. If the Förderkreis supports a given initiative, Weßel helps oversee the implementation phase and ensures the money concerned is used efficiently. 


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